People's life is framed by endings, especially in their life's first quarter of century: the end of high-school, the end of childhood (although this is highly questionable), the end of university, to name a few. Interesting is that, at this age, each and every ending brings a fresh feeling of enthusiasm for beginning the new stage of one's life.
I remember my fresh starting in Cluj-Napoca 7 years ago. I was good scared: new town, new home, new friends, new opportunities. I've easily built my way on all these paths. I was so prepared to gather everything that was new: information, questions, answers, this and that, these and those - and the 4 years of university passed like a good night dream. It ended. Change of priorities, a little enthusiasm. New home, new friends, a job! It was the job that killed the enthusiasm in me, because it unquestionably brought with it the need for stability. STABILITY - no more endings. It was then when I realized that there comes a time when people deny the endings. They refuse to start all over again, they need to grow in those safe drawers that are so familiar to them, that are supposed to bring 'peace to the soul.' I was there too - a good job, a nice boyfriend, wonderful friends - nothing more to ask. I struggled for all these, I worked hard, I wanted them to give me the stability that I needed. First lesson to be learned here: there are things in life that don't depend on your struggle and that can change in a moment, even if you struggle for them.
The end. No boyfriend, no job, no house. Stability? I want it back! I worked so hard for it. No result. Bye-bye!
4 months of struggle to find it again. Finally - mine. New job, new house! This is it! Mine, mine, mine, all mine. New boyfriend. There's nothing more I want from my life. Work, work, work - otherwise I won't grow as a person. 2 years. Bye-bye!
Come on! You gotta be kidding!
What now? I only have the house... What is wrong? Have I done something wrong? Second lesson to be learned: there are things in life that don't depend on your struggle and that can change in a moment, even if you struggle for them.
So it life you have to start it all over again, even if you don't want to... It happened to me twice in 3 years. It's ok, I'll manage. I managed. Every time. But, what is the sense of an ending? To realize what you had and you don't have anymore? To mourn the things you lost? To re-built your reality over and over again?
Well...a major contradiction appears here. Although stability is said to define us as individuals, it actually annihilates us: stability, in most of the cases, doesn't bring progress. It just brings itself with it and that's kind of all. It's good, but you're now actually willing to do more. You just want to keep it. You forget about the things you like, you don't listen to your favorite music, you don't have time for your passions. And then comes the brings with it a new beginning. You remember the things you like, you start listening again to your favorite music, you find time for your return to yourself to say: I missed myself so much! This is the sense of ending...
The sense of endings, which come one after the other (while you’re hoping, every time, that “this is it, this is the one”: the house, the job, the boyfriend) is to learn more from the experience (& the mistakes) than we have learned before. We need one failure after another because we haven’t grown enough the last time, we haven’t learned enough from the last failure.. so we repeat the same (or similar) experience until we finally grow up as much as we have to.. and we finally get where we have to, in order to be able to enjoy and appreciate that final experience, which truly will be “the one!”
RăspundețiȘtergereSome people get where they’re meant to the first time (oh, lucky them!), while others struggle a lifetime..